The sharing of the oplatek on Christmas Eve is the most cherished of all Polish Christmas customs. On the eve of Christ's birth, gathered together at the table where they are about to share the evening meal, the people of Poland and their descendants scattered all over the world, first offer each other a thin piece of unleavened bread called opłatek and give each other the gift of spoken words. The custom predates Christmas trees and the presents found beneath it by centuries. Instead, bread is shared and the words said are a gift in verbal form. And because the words said to one another at the time of sharing the oplatek are a gift, just as we would spend time searching the store for that perfect thing, so should we try to say the best possible words for that person: words of encouragement or praise about their current life or about their future goals or intentions; words of love and caring; words of reconciliation and forgiveness; words that the person can tuck in their hearts and keep there for a long time afterward. All it requires to bestow this gift is to give some careful thought to what we say. At some social gatherings, it's happened that we find ourselves exchanging the opłatek with someone we don't know very well or not at all, but it is still an opportunity to gift another person with our words. In the spirit of sharing opłatek I'd like to offer my word gift: May you prosper in all ways: spiritually, intellectually, creatively, materially; may whatever quest you are engaged in meet with success: may you and yours remain or return to good health: Niech czas Bożego Narodzenia upłynie w atmosfersze radośći i miłosci, a Nowy Rok spełni wszystkie marzenie May the Christmas season pass in an atmosphere of happiness and love and the New Year fulfill all your dreams. Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i szczęsliwego Nowego Roku. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Elliott Hutten
12/25/2018 08:50:15 am
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One of the biggest moments in my life was being able to sign for my very own library card. When I'm not reading, researching and writing I'm riding my bike, sewing or gardening. I love flea markets, folk art, and traveling to Poland.
December 2024